apit's wedding

da dapat lesen L,so bley lah naek moto g kelas,tapi.. sape nak belikan ego neh.huhu.cam lambat je lagi. cam ne neh,,akak xde respon pon lagi,,may be nak soh org dapat P dlu kot. just wait lah,,xnak mintak kat sape,,diorang ase nak bagi,bagi lah oke.now  tak sabar nak practical training..thee, bukak sem neh nak bli kemeja banyak banyak,,akak soh bli tujuh helai,,tapi da kira kira xnak rotate baju,,so kena bli duabelas,,so cne ek,,pape pon g shopping dlu,,xsabar ase,,hehe.may be practical dekat sirim je,,tak mo lah shah alam,,bek rasa je,,bley claim JPA.theee. dekat pon dekat,,makan free,tak payah nak sewa sewa.

Hopefully bley practical kat sini. pagi tadi off to sungai besi kenduri kawen apit,simple je,,but its oke lah,,ske ske.hehe.nak kawen jugak, bley? thee.bila lah my turn.huhu.xpe xpe kite tggu dye,27 28 29 & 30.lambat lagi hukhuk. tunggu dye,,ble financial da stabil bru kte kawen oke,,nak de kondo ngan kereta dulu,,hehehe.tak kisah pon lambat.jumpe fahmi,,dye cam da lupa je sal kita gaduh,oke lah kot.dye dah keja kat maybank sekarang,best gle. da bley pegang duit. huhu.nak pergi ke tak next week,,mak jang macam sedey je, macam soh pergi rumah dye next siap nak amek lagi..huhu. tengok dulu oke.kalau tak de hal org pergi oke.


recently,fucking bored. hohoho. miserable i don't why. here, i have a question to ask some people think they don't deserve love, its right?  500 days of summer,nice story.
yesterday,day out with my gf. besh besh besh..pergi bukit cerakah je,,cycling  oke. memenat kan, lme sangat tak bersukan.hehehe. naseb tak gemok.but something happened before pergi tuh,,tak sangka bley wat zurin menagis.first time tgk dia menangis. HAHAHA. its oke, that's my fault. no matter what happened i still love you oke!

pokok pokok bukit cerakah 
sarah hajar zurin
sakit bontot thee
penat siot =P
with my gf, this is first we snap picture together
cycling cycling cycling 
sangat sangat gayat, huhu. maybe sebab kayu,,pastu jarang.takot sgt. huh

there,we have been together almost two hours,da penat cycling.pergi tesco jom!cari barang wat spagheti carbonara.credit to hajar.she is a good cooking. around 9pm hantar ayu kat sec 17,at the same time zurin and sarah pon balik jugak.lonely.tak de plan pape dengan nik sebab penat sangat sangat sangat.sorry nik.mlm nie kan de lagi.thee