thanxx izaty bawak aku jumpe nik kat umah sec8.
even xcakap pape sal ktrg.
ok la, at least jumpe nik b4 balik kg.i miss u syg.
bawak nik big apple. xtau la nik mkn ke x, da avoid chocolate.
love u syg. i'm waiting for you. even jd pape pon org syg nik.
nothing to change. love u syg.
balik umah dengan senang ati. amek lesen dpt ego.
bubye part 4, welcome part 5.

ps: syg kamu :)

the last night kat shah alam still nanges2
td jumpe papa, dtg amek kat baiduri after anta ayu kat sec17
rini mkn mc flurry je.
xlalu and xde selera,,,papa soh mam burger king pizza mc donald.
sume xnak. org sedey sgt.
papa still cam dulu nak mama.xnak laaa
please jgn k, xyah k org xnak k. tolong paham. kte xbley same.
balik umah lepas lepak2 kat sec 13,
tgk org maen skate,, papa ajak borak2 cte2 give an advice about him
he showing he is love me. thanxx k but i can't.xnak.
papa g snooker ngan kwn2 dye lak.
next time jumpe ag.
i know the truth but i won't to understand. 
i'm still waiting  waiting and waiting.


start reading ,no more phone.
i had spent around RM 70 to buy these book. but i got a discount around 30 %
heeheee. i love it :)
semester break nie i need to finish its.huhuhu.
bley ke?


pink pink pink

pink pink pink

please please buy a  lollipop for me.
nak yg pink tuh,,huhu.ask him later la.  lg pon da lme xmintak pape an.

already gone

 everything have been done
no more rapid kl no more lecture no more test
 no more exam and the most important thing no more stress 
no need to think what i should wear to class whether " baju kurung" or jeans
but i miss my funky classmate.
 now what should i do, to think what the plan during
semester break.
take the licence first 
and then  i got what i want
my red ego s hopefully my sis give it to me
no more rapid kl hehehee
but i'm not confident.huhuhhuuhuuu
actually i need someone that have been expert than me.but who?
anyone want to ride with me?
its okey. i will try the best


"I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.""We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.""Love is one of the hardest words to say and one of the easiest to hear."

xnak jumpe da

bru abes final maf 420. sgt sgt takot.
xtau la,,,hopefully btol la,,
tp tgk2 balik byk gak mark ilang.
takot la huhuhuhu
takot fail,,
xnak la. xkan nak repeat ag kot. da la bel 462 da repeat.
parent xtau pon ag nie
hopefully x. 
xnak jumpe maf 420 next sem. takot sgt.
tawakal je la. ble pk balik. byk mistake,, try nak avoid careless but again again.
i make the same mistake.

saya mahu kamu >>


dulu cam ase sonok sgt ble balik shah alam
dulu xsabar2 nak balik shah alam skg
 shah alam nie
skg cam xde pape,, nak g shopping pon da xde kwn
ijah pon da lme xcontact xtau nape
aina pon lame xjumpe even kat shah alam je
yan lgsg xcontact ak huhuhuhu
even ramai kwn pon tp still xde org yg bley ilang ase nie
de papa de man tp still xbley wat ak happy
ase kosong sgt nape ek ase cam empty sgt ketara 
pe yg ak nak actually ha?
 ak xpaham la ngan diri ak nie
intelligent emotion? self awareness da xde funtion pape je
ntah la,,pe yg ak nak? nak pe? xtau la,,,huhuhu.
susah idop nie. 
nape ak mst de perasaan cam nie?
ak xnak ase cam nie. sakit ati mlm td still xase
ak ase ak org paling bodoh ak ase ak org yg dungu
ak ase dye xpenah appreciate ak xpenah ase ak de tuk dye
xpenah nak tgk ak.
i need to be strong to move on step by step
i need to close my eyes ignore people say people think about me
waiting waiting waiting waiting

hidup neh ::

its hurt,,xpela.
nak wat cne. but today have fun with  
mai mirae zurin and sarah.
pas exam OB terus kuar g mkn2 lepak2
kutuk2  faker tuh.
hahahhaaa.wat dosa je. tp ak still xske dye.
macam bab* 
kuang ajar gle dye tuh. cam la bek sgt.
teringin nak tgk sume org tau perangai buruk dye tuh.
ak dok jauh2 dri dye pon.
still bunyi ag sal ak
cam bab*...alaaaa ak xksh pon. lantak  ko la.
de ak kisah.
mirae tunjuk kat mne umah dye skg. jauh kot.
lantak la.nape la dye xdok puncak alam.terus xyah tgk dye.
menyampah gle.
sudah la,,xyah la jd faker tuh.klu perangai ctk sume  org ske.
xyah nak tukar jd ppn ctk.
xphm ak pe org tuh dpt klu jd org. bek behave.
accept pe yg de kat kte
xpaham la..ensom ctk tuh xkekal pon.Allah da wat kte seindah indah ciptaaNya.
de akal bley berfikir de ati bley ase.
hanya kte je yg bley ubah dri kte nak jadi baek ke buruk
ak pon bkn baek sgt but kte kena jujur k
tuh yg penting.

starting for today, this

saya rindu sama kamu :)
b4 study OB tgk page dye dulu.
activities dye. ak mmg suda gle sama kamu.
amek feel nak motivate my self nak study.
cam besa la. saya curik gmb kamu dlm fb.
hehehe.sape soh upload gmb bru.
syg kamu rindu kamu.
tp xkan dpt kamu.xpe k.ase ag tenang skg.
ignore je org nak ckp pe.
yg penting idop hepy.

i want your ugly,i want your diseases,
i want your everything as long it's free.
i want your love love.

bebas bebas

freedom,,hehehehe.malas nak pk sal couple nie da.
sorry k. sorry for everything.
bubye :)