tengok dia bukan saya 
thanks for everything,love being around you.
i'm in love with you again.

bila mereka bersuara,
dye: da kurus sgt neh,,mkn byk2 cikit,ag gemok =D nape kurus sgt neh
 *putus cinta kot*
abah: tak dak duit ka? makan maggi ka dok shah alam?tinggal tulang je abah nampak.
*mak  tak dak nak masak sedap sedap*
mira: mas da laen,,makin kurus laaa,,kurus sgt ! *eish mane de lah*

btol ke.? xde lah sgt,, makan byk mane pon still sme je,,
berat optimal 48 kg  three years ago, right now 40 kg.
dah xtau cmne  nak gain weight nie..
klu kurus,under 45 kg << best jugak xyah nak wat blood donation,advantage tuh  
darah AB +ve katakan,,darah keMUT 
entah lah

gain weight,?patot tak patot,patot tak patot.?*PERLU KE.?

when i see this pix,,the words that cross my mind
macam aku je,,kurus kot,no wonder lah, bley muat size jeans 26,,hohohoho
hoish hoish 


three words i would like to say:

4.officially,i'm not ..............
hopefully we will be together until the end of life.yesterday, thank God =)

Ya Allah,,final around the corner,,i feel like i never learn anything in class. there is nothing zero
huhu. pe nak jwab nie..study pon malas eish..i need a pressure to push myself to study.
xpenah sedar pon exam nak dekat nie,,so how? 
insaf first huhuhu

entah lah

main tarik tarik tali,,? xlah 
 i love the way you are 

p/s: minggu stress,assignment xsiap xsentuh,sentiasa pending hehehe

home alone

i'm bored,huh 
what should i do,,?
sleep all the time, *tired tired*
start blogging.
what our plan for today?
jump to noodle station for break fast,,hehe.
outside,raining,just waiting  dengan penuh sabar.

yesterday,,the great day,the best moment i ever had
i'm with him again,,besh besh
were share our moment together, no secret between us,
he tell everything about him, i know him
he is the best for me,? definitely!

were the same
our favorite food: of course lah mcdonald
our favorite home : condominium privacy first 
hopefully our dream come true
together with him, i hope so.no selfish strategy boy :P

were different
he is not drink milo, mengade 
he is not shampoo his hair busuk, wajib 2x sehari lah 

the best thing about him, he is not stingy, i love this type of person
xbley hidop dengan org berkira,so sorry.

the things you do to me

mood : fall in love again, with him him again :)
*love you syg*
blom official lg :P
perlu ke,,?

bahgia kita rasa