dulu cam ase sonok sgt ble balik shah alam
dulu xsabar2 nak balik shah alam skg
shah alam nie
skg cam xde pape,, nak g shopping pon da xde kwn
ijah pon da lme xcontact xtau nape
aina pon lame xjumpe even kat shah alam je
yan lgsg xcontact ak huhuhuhu
even ramai kwn pon tp still xde org yg bley ilang ase nie
de papa de man tp still xbley wat ak happy
ase kosong sgt nape ek ase cam empty sgt ketara
pe yg ak nak actually ha?
ak xpaham la ngan diri ak nie
intelligent emotion? self awareness da xde funtion pape je
ntah la,,pe yg ak nak? nak pe? xtau la,,,huhuhu.
susah idop nie.
nape ak mst de perasaan cam nie?
ak xnak ase cam nie. sakit ati mlm td still xase
ak ase ak org paling bodoh ak ase ak org yg dungu
ak ase dye xpenah appreciate ak xpenah ase ak de tuk dye
xpenah nak tgk ak.
i need to be strong to move on step by step
i need to close my eyes ignore people say people think about me
waiting waiting waiting waiting