pressure for the following day ;(

hey,wake up honey.!'s t0o late.huhuhu.


last nite were together again.
just g mkn2 je. mkn kat kedai ban-d amuk.
food dye bley laa.xdela sdp sgt.
quit expensive dri kdai len2.may be sbb kdai dye kot.

after mkn ktrg g icity.uwaa..i'm so excited.
amek2 gmb spai sume penat. 
da la xde anging lgsg.
ketiak ak da bsh even pkai aju tgn pendek.uhuhu.
ak ase weather skg cam da xsme cam dlu. kdg2 ujan kdg2 pns sgt2.

skg kat umah panas kipas on spai max.
huhu.ak tdo pon berpeluh2 terjaga tgh mlm sbb panas.
ase nak ukak aju.nsb ppn.klu ak laki da lme ukak aju.
ak de la tgk discovery channel.mmg skg ni eng try to create carpet
utk halang dri glassier kat artartika.
takot la.lautan lg byk dri daratan.huhuhuu.
hopefully bde ni sementara je.

wonderful view ~

perlu ke?

xpayah la nak show off ko syg bff ko.
i love my bff sooo much. 
geli ak!
alaaaa..sume org ko nak syg.sume kwn ak ko nak rapat
ak pelik la nape ko cam nie.

klu bff ko laki nak sgt2 ko jumpe.
ble kwn ppn mcm2 reason ko.lg pon xelok klu rpt ngan bf org.
pas2 gedik2 lak 2.
pk x psl gf org 2. mkn ati slalu.huh
eeeee..plis la..ak xphm la nape ko jd cm2. 
kurang kasih syg kot.

p/s:  sorry ak ase klu kwn at least syg besa2 je la. 
xpyh la nak sktkan ati kwn2 laen.tlg pk kwn2 len k!

what happen ~

i dunno what happening today.
i still wake up early every morning as usual."sarah2 bgn."
but today i don't wont to go to the class.
this is first time i cut my class.
mastura absent for today madam.

last night i stay up out there,mcd section 3.
what i did haaaa..

i just talk with my friend raja alif ikram and my 'shayang' but i'm not really understand..hehehe
and the best thing for tonight i' play  card' with them.
i'm so excited to play it because this is my first time.
my shayang show me how to play.hehe.
one more thing, raja s0oo excited show me a magic.
OMG. awesome!

at the same time my shayang need to complete his bel 492 presentation. i disturb him
his presentation about philosophy. it's quite interesting.
i help to search the internet and make a little bite power point presentation.
this is one of the result.

one of the philosopher known as a 'thinker.

i always to think why i'm here.huh
i dunno how to make my conversation smoothly when i talk with him.
i dunno why.
when i see him, my heart..
i dunno how to explain..i'm really2 love him.
   like usual he sent me at baiduri around 5 o'clock.
i think again again and again.
i need him to be my side,to protect me,
to love me. 

p/s:it is better for me to continue my life in this way.
OMG! i'm afraid to make any decision because
i'm a fool person. idiot! 
my decision always wrong. huhuhu.
hopefully he come back to love me again.

nape neh..!

nape tb2 post 'ya**" cm2 ek.
salah ak ke?
ak ase xkaco sape2 pon.
bf dye yg coment post ak.lg pon ktrg stu kls dlu.

klu sal ak ngan sham dlu. bkn slh ak.
xpatot post cm2. ak lg sedey.
ak single pon susah.

ak xpnh and xkaco bf org. 
ak syg nik je. dtg lah sape2 pon.
ak xkan terima k.

bia la ak ngan nik je.
ak xksh lme mne pon. ak still 2ggu nik.
ak mmg syg dye. dye sorg je bley wat ak hepy nges.
ak syg dye. jgn la pk ak bkn2.
ak xkan kaco bf org.

skg ak ase slh nak kwn ngan bf org.
ak bkn ppn yg senang jumpe laki n then terus cpl.
i need the true love yaaa.

p/s: soyi ek..i'm not perfect but i know what is wrong or what is rite k.
for those yg xknl sye pliss la.. jgn pk bkn2 k.

crying for today uhuhuhu

rini kuar ngan sarah mkn prosperity.hee.
da lme xmkn. tp cam besa la mst xabes. tggl roti je. 
igt nak duplicate kunci skali tp xjd lak.
abg 2 kuar mkn xblk2. uhuhu.

td kat mcd tgk cpl sorg nie. igt lak ksh lme.
hehe. yg kelakar sarah  pasan ak senyum. uhuhuhuhuhu.
alaaaa..nomal la sume org de ksh silam an.

sok de test ob ak kena study hard sem nie.
say 'yea' ble de test. kelakar lec ob 2.
ske lak ktrg de test,nak jwb susah.uhuhuhuhu
hot gimmick smbg lepas test.
 yindu ryouki !!

p/s: Ya Allah permudahkan ati ak untuk jwb test esok.
pray for me k!

cuti xbest

cuti pon ak bgn awal. uhuhuhu.
nak tdo xole lak. sakit perut  sakit blkg sume de.
mcm2 sakit. 
tiap mlm dlm kul 3pg mst ak bgn.
nape ek. da slalu sgt. cam da dlm schedule lak.

actually jeles tgk org len bley tdo sedap2. ak je x bley.

totally change

arghhh..mmg btl2 tension rini.
xske balik shah alam. hopefully cpt2 abes blaja.
nak continue life baru.
cuti cam xcuti je.
pe yg ak wat wk2 cuti ek.. 
bce komik je. study ckit2 je.
thanxx zurin sbb bg hot gimmick kat ak. at least ak bley spend time.
dr pk bde yg xpatot ak pk.
today man g genting. sorry xdpt join.
nnt ble2 kte g k. 

comey azusa kun uhuhu

 but ryouki thacibana ag cool laaa..
ske2 !!

p/s: hatsumi love ryouki hee..

alone + hope

"ayg ase ayg da silap wat decision"
for shayang:

ble sunyi mst pk sal shayang.ntah laaaaaaaaa:
sye mtk maaf xpatot ase cam nie.
x patot mengaharap
xpatot pk yg bkn2 sal awak.
were totally break.
but i still waiting for u. 
i want to be sumone close to you.
i want to be ur future wife.

ps: xtau slh ke ayg ase nie yg terbaek. sorry.

sory adik sory man =)

b4 balik nie ase cam nak tulis sumthing, skg dakul 4. 
xmkn lg.lapar..uhuhu. 

xsbr nak balik umah  nak jumpe alia nadia.
ak xkuar bb lg nie.igt nak bli kasut mac becth adik.
"sory akak lmbt, akak nak g tp xtau ble.

xtau nak kuar ngan sape. tp ak ase slh sgt nie.
da jnj ngan xkuar ag." aman sory ak nak teman ko shoping."
nnt k. pas raya cina de cuti maulidur rasul.
ak ase wk2 ak g. tp next week de test. 
xpe2.ak try gak k.


last nite i hangout ngan kimi alif ayu n izaty ali.
hehe. sepatotnye i nak kuar ngan my shayang. but the last minutes dye cancel.
i know him.always like that.' mas soyi xdpt kuar.laen kali bley' huhu.
but its ok la.

da lame x kuar mlm. ske sgt2. kitaorg g bangi sbb kimi  nak jumpe nada.
dpt gak mkn mc'furry. shedap hee.
mcflurry nie shedap sgt2..hee.

about 3 o'clock baru i spai umah after lepak kat uptown damansara. uwaaa letih.
bgn tdo shayang ag msg. "mas..awak ok?.."
i know him. tp nape dye send msg. i'm waiting for him.
now i decide nak tggu dye spai graduate. i love him so much shayang.

p/s: i love you shayang.

bowling bowling bowling

 nice picture =)

agak lame x update blog.
this is my new life without him. ske gak maen bowling nie.
tp penat laa. uhuhu.
i score 109 hehe. cam xcaye je. but i still remember about the last time.
i'm with him.. =(

 hopefully i dpt kuar ngan dye. maen bowling same2..hee.


this is my shayang. i'm waiting for u.

trouble !!

now i realised sumthing that couple is trouble. hee.
i still waiting shayang.

actually mmg da xnak couple da.
i still waiting for him. 
mlm td shayang bg msg.ajak mam mcd. my fav laa.. i can't go.
 but i want .

i xreply pon msg n ym shayang.
i dunno what to do.
just waiting for the next msg..~

hepy days !!

 my new hair

1st: i cut my hair. not too short. da lme nak potong.
xske rmbt pjg. finally i got it.. =)

alya nadia

2nd: she is my new family.
xsangka akak dpt anak. hehe.
mama & ayah. ske2. i pggl dye adik je.
her name is alya nadia.
nme org kl. de2 je man 2..
syg man.

abg da len neh..~

xtau la akak nnt cne.dye still syg ak cam dlu ke
da de anak. mst laen kan
abg pak jai pon da len uhuhu.
x call pon tanye adik dye da mkn blom.
de duit ke ke.
xcam b4 kawen.
i miss him.
abg da xsyg adik ek.??

man pegang periuk =)

 3rd: akak de pesan sumthing..hehe
thanxx man. 
ak ase next time ble spai wk2 dye ak bgtau ko k!!
wait for me.~

money ?? no no no~

 money! money! uhuhuhu. rini btl2 nak tgk sme de i jujur ke x. 
2day i draw maoney kat atm bank rakyat.
after i de guy yg draw. i soh anis draw pas2...
suddenly i tgk kat atm balance 20 +++. uish byk gle.
i tgk dye punye  transaction.
  transfer je 5000..

rupa2nye that guy tggl kad atm. ktrg cam agak gelabah. i
try to find out that guy. 
but  i didn't regonise him. 
i xtau nak wat pe.i just tggl kan kad 2.
klu i jahat.
da bley shopping neh..hehe, nsb baek kuat iman. 
klu x..hahaha =)

thinking of you

what happen to me.. i miss him.
how come like this.
 i want him to be my side
i dunno what to do.
 waiting + hope + love
its right?

 i'm confuse right now.
its love? 

help me. i want him back.
there is not right when i let him go.
its true?

dunno dunno dunno.
 every conversation with him. i feel more better  but at the same time i mish him.
i want him. i want him.i want him.
its the true love?

you're my only one.
i give him all my love.

oh no i'm think i'm love with you baby.
but he..?
boys: sory honey my heart is  not for you.sory baby my heart is not for you.
what happen after this..
this is a long journey for me.
 difficult for me.huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu.

i love this moment =)


there is no class OB for today. so i just follow anis going back to the college melati. jadi dak college balik.hee
sampai tertido kat bilik dye. but today i have a lot of assignment.

this is my homework for today
public sector accounting : modified budgeting system in power point
maf 420 : also budget ma. past year question
organizational behavior: group assigment
hee  =)

good news: there is no quiz PSA  for next week

p/s: xnak de class but a lot of assignment to submit.

monday + tuesday


monday : 1 feb 2010.
    teman g bli bku. xsgka dye dpt cuti.
i'm so happy with him. 
but i


i xtau la pe i jwb dlm kuiz.
innitial measurement and carrying value.
what the hell kuar soklan cm2
nape x  FRS!!

p/s: i xnak jd the other girls! far 400 i'm waiting for you.
i xnak repeat da. lalalala ~